The Editorial Committee will submit all works presented for publication to an initial review; the Committee will decide if the work will be submitted to the anonymous peer review process. 


  1. Each work will be evaluated by at least two peer reviewers who are recognized specialists in the Latin American and international academic community and with affiliation to prestigious educational and human rights institutions. 
  2. Once the peer reviewers submit their evaluation, the Editorial Committee will decide if the work will be accepted for publication taking into consideration the reviewers report.
  3. The peer review will be conducted using the double-blind system, which requires anonymity of identity of the authors and the reviewers who conduct the evaluation. Revista IGAL is committed to keep the opinions of the reviewers in absolute confidentiality and will only share the specific recommendations with the authors. Peer reviewers will provide complete confidentiality of the result of their evaluation and of all documents used in the review process. The evaluation will be performed with total impartiality and will focus on the pertinence of the theme and its fit to the editorial lines and purposes of the journal and the specific criteria listed below. 
  4. Peer evaluation will be performed in accordance with the following criteria: 

(a) originality and length of the work, in all its parts and dimensions (title, summary, literature revision, conclusions, etc.) 

(b) accuracy of the summary; 

(c) clarity and coherence of the discourse; 

(d) evidence of knowledge and dominion of the subject;

(e) internal organization; 

(f) scientific rigor;

   (g) pertinent and up-to-date references (consultation of scientific references);

(h) contribution to future research in the area;

(i) novelty of contribution to knowledge of the subject;

(j) compliance with editorial norms;

   (k) technical criteria regarding composition, language, orthography, formulation of ideas, etc.

  1. Peer evaluators will perform the evaluation with a constructive spirit using solid arguments even when their conclusion is that the work should not be accepted for publication; all critique or objection must be explained in detail with the purpose of sharing it with the author. 
  2. Upon finalizing an evaluation, each peer reviewer will write a synthesis of their general appreciation of the work, will present any specific correction, observations or recommendations in the form provided by the Editorial Committee or in additional folios as needed. 
  3. All evaluation will include a final decision in one of the following modalities: 
    1. approved, 
    2. approved with minor observations, 
    3. approved with substantial observations, or 
    4. denied.
  4. Revista IGAL is committed to generate rapid responses to the applications for publication without affecting the rigorous process of peer review and evaluation; thus, each reviewer will have a period of thirty (30) days to perform the evaluation and submit their recommendations, which will start upon their acceptance of the invitation to review a specific work. 
  5. Members of the Editorial Board of Revista IGAL can submit their manuscript for the peer review process. But the number of articles published by Board members will be limited to one article per volume. 
  6. Members of the Editorial Committee will not be able to submit their manuscripts for publication in Revista IGAL.