Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Only manuscripts that have not been submitted to other journals will be considered for publication; nevertheless, the Editorial Board may receive, evaluate and published exceptional works that have been published previously in another journal, as a chapter of a book or in a congress or conference.
- Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format, letter paper, 12 font, double space.
- Manuscripts must be annonimous to comply with the rules for the peer review evaluation process (double-blind, the names of authors must not be revealed, nor the name of the peer reviewers).
- All manuscripts submitted must be accompanied with an abstract in the original language of the work (abstract must not be longer than 200 words) and a translated one into English, Spanish or Portuguese.
- All manuscripts must include 3 to 5 key words.
- All manuscripts submitted must include a list of the key words or the equivalent in the original language.
- Manuscripts must use the citation system in APA.
- Authors must accept the Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Rights to Revista IGAL that appears at the beggining of the presentation process.
- The works submitted for publication should be not less than 6000 words and not more than 9000 words long. The Editorial Comitee will determine if any work longer than this limit is submitted for evaluation.
- Works must have the following margin measurements: top and bottom, left and right 2.5 cm (1 inch). The text must be without indentation and not justified.
- Identification of the author's ORCID profile is required.
Copyright Notice
The manuscript entitled submitted to the IGAL Journal, it is of my authorship/co-authorship and it has not been previously published. I declare that the manuscript submitted is original work and the sole property of the author(s).
I affirm that artificial intelligence has not been used in the preparation of this article and/or that it has only been used for the preparation of the index, bibliography, footnotes and/or references.
I affirm that all of the authors involved in the intellectual elaboration of the manuscript have been properly acknowledged. I declare that none of the data presented has been plagiarized, invented or manipulated.
I affirm that all the bibliographical references have been properly identified and noted thereby guaranteeing the paper’s ethics and reliability. In the same sense, I affirm that the manuscript does not violate copyright or proprietary rights. Otherwise, any claim related to the violation of intellectual property rights falls on me, thus exonerating the IGAL Journal from any type of responsibility.
I declare that there is no conflict of interest with other persons or entities.
I also declare that this work is not submitted for consideration by any other journal while it is under review in IGAL Journal.
If the manuscript is approved for publication, I hereby authorize, for scientific and non-profit purposes, IGAL Journal the reproduction, edition and distribution of the manuscript, or part of it, in electronic media including the Internet and any other known or not yet known technology.