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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Only manuscripts that have not been submitted to other journals will be considered for publication; nevertheless, the Editorial Board may receive, evaluate and published exceptional works that have been published previously in another journal, as a chapter of a book or in a congress or conference.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format, letter paper, 12 font, double space.
  • Manuscripts must be annonimous to comply with the rules for the peer review evaluation process (double-blind, the names of authors must not be revealed, nor the name of the peer reviewers).
  • All manuscripts submitted must be accompanied with an abstract in the original language of the work (abstract must not be longer than 200 words) and a translated one into English, Spanish or Portuguese.
  • All manuscripts must include 3 to 5 key words.
  • All manuscripts submitted must include a list of the key words or the equivalent in the original language.
  • Manuscripts must use the citation system in APA.
  • Authors must accept the Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Rights to Revista IGAL that appears at the beggining of the presentation process.
  • The works submitted for publication should be not less than 6000 words and not more than 9000 words long. The Editorial Comitee will determine if any work longer than this limit is submitted for evaluation.
  • Works must have the following margin measurements: top and bottom, left and right 2.5 cm (1 inch). The text must be without indentation and not justified.
  • Identification of the author's ORCID profile is required.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines For Reviews of judicial cases, books, or reports for publication by Revista IusGénero América Latina (IGAL)

Format and quotation requirements: 

The formal and quotation requirements are the same as those applicable to manuscripts submitted for publication.

Lenght or extention: 

Reviews must have between 1,500 and 3,000 words. 


  • Full name of author 
  • ORCID Profile
  • Title
  • Identification of the case, book or report reviewed

Case reviews must include the following: 

  • Judicial organ that issued the determination, 
  • Country,
  • Details for identification such as: date, case number and reference to the official legal source,
  • Summary of the pertinent facts, context and procedural history, 
  • Legal issue presented 
  • Judicial organ´s determination. 

Book reviews must include the following: 

  • Name of author, 
  • Book title, 
  • publisher, 
  • Date and city of publication, 
  • Main arguments, 
  • Most interesting aspects of the book and
  • Book impact (social, cultural, political, economic, etc.) 


Rules for the authors

Legal policy regarding acceptance and distribution of published materials (copyrights rule)

The authors that publish in Revista IGAL accept the following conditions:

  1. Authors will guarantee compliance with the Revista IGAL following requirements: comply with the instructions for authors published on the Revista´s webpage; include all and complete details of authorship, affiliation and sign and present a the Declaration of Originality of their work and accept the ethical considerations for the presentation of manuscripts, specify any possible conflict of interests and include any other document considered necessary regarding the manuscript and its content. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will sign and submit an authorization for publication and a license for the diffusion of original and unpublished works. 
  2. Authors will maintain the copyrights over their work and cede to Revista IGAL the right to its first publication with a work registered under an attribution license of the Creative Commons 4.0 which permits third persons to use the published work provided recognition is made of the author and the first publication by Revista IGAL.
  3. Authors may enter into independent additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article version of the article published by Revista IGAL (for example it may be included in an institutional repository or in a book) as long as it is clearly indicated that Revista IGAL initially published the work.
  4. The articles published by Revista IGAL will be available for free down though the journal’s webpage. Authors who publish in the journal authorize the reproduction of the articles content as long as recognition and citation of the author’s original publication if no modification is made of the original publication and it is not used for commercial purposes.

Ethical policies 

- Fraud and Plagiarism 

Once the manuscript is received and before sending it to the peer reviewers, the text will be reviewed using the TURNITIN system. The Editorial Committee will evaluate the similarity of the manuscripts and other documents. If any form of plagiariams is detected, the manuscript will be rejected inmediately. If plagiarims is detected after the publication of the article by any person afected by the plagiarims or any other reason, the article will be eliminated from the journal webpage, after previous comprobation of the plagiarism. 

- Authorship 

Authors will guarantee compliance with the Revista IGAL following requirements: comply with the instructions for authors published on the Revista´s webpage; include all and complete details of authorship, affiliation, ORCID Profile and sign and present a the Declaration of Originality of their work and accept the ethical considerations for the presentation of manuscripts, specify any possible conflict of interests and include any other document considered necessary regarding the manuscript and its content. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will sign and submit an authorization for publication and a license for the diffusion of original and unpublished works. 

- Original contribution

Manuscripts submitted for publication must not have been published previously or been submitted for consideration by other journal or journals. These requirements must be guaranteed specifically by the author in the Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Rights, with an acceptation of the ethical policies. 

- Data Exchange 

Revista IGAL complies with the norms of confidentiality and protects the confidentiality of individual information submitted in the processes of presentation, reception and peer evaluation. 

- Conflict of Interest 

Revista IGAL has an internal system to deal with conflicts of interests related with the members of the Editorial Committee. Peer evaluators and the Authors. Thus, as part of the Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Rights and in accepting the ethical policies authors are required to declare if there is a conflict of interest. 

- Ethical review 

If the manuscripts submitted are the result of research with ethical risk, authors must submit a signed declaration assuring that the research was conducted in accordance with the pertinent rules and that it was approved by the pertinent, such as the institutional review board of the educational entity to which the author is affiliated. 

- Complaints and appeals 

Revista IGAL has adopted a procedure for the consideration of complaints and appeals related to the infringement of any of the practices of the editorial process. 

If the complaint or appeal is related to the results of the peer review process, the author must sent to the Editorial Committee a document exposing the reasons for requesting a review of the peer evaluation or a new evaluation of the manuscript. The Editorial Committee will analyze the author’s arguments and if considered necessary will require a new peer evaluation process. 

If the complaint or appeal is related to the denial of publication of a manuscript, authors must submit to the Editorial Committee a document expressing the reasons that support their position that the manuscript should be published. The Editorial Committee will conduct a thorough evaluation of the allegations and reasons presented by the author, which will not imply a commitment to publish, and will notify the author it final decision. 

- Correction of manuscripts after publication

If after the publication of a manuscript an error is detected, the correction process will be conducted as follows: 

If the error is related to formal aspect of the text, it will be corrected immediately.

If the error is related to substantive aspects of the text, it will be corrected by the introduction of errata (fe de errata). 

- Open and free access 

Revista IGAL promotes open and free access to it content. All works published by it are accessible globally and have a license under the terms of the Creative Commons 4.0. This implies that: 

  1. All readers will have free access to the full content of the manuscripts published and the access is not subject to limitation. 
  2. All readers are free to utilize the published material but are required to quote adequately and the respective credits as required by the license. 
  3. Revista IGAL does not require any fees for the presentation of manuscripts for consideration, neither for the publication of the manuscripts accepted. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.