The Editorial Team guides the operation of the Journal, ensures the quality of the publication, manages the editorial process and replies to the queries submitted by authors, coordinates the review process and the indexing and dissemination of the Journal. 

Esther Vicente, Director Revista IGAL. Ph.D. in Law, University of London. Professor at the Faculty of Law, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico. Member of the ALAS Network. Her research focuses on human rights; constitutional law; feminist legal theories; family law; property rights; successions and international law.

Yanira Reyes Gil, Co-Editor. Ph.D. in Sociology, focused in Law and Society, Family, Sex and Gender, Purdue University. Professor and Dean of Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Law, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico. Member of the ALAS Network. Her research focuses on sociology of law; gender; sexuality; constitutional right; feminist theories of law; social research methodology; critical legal studies; critical latino studies; decolonial feminism and sexual and reproductive rights.

Carmen Hein de Campos, Co-Editor. Doctorate in Criminal Sciences, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). She has been a Professor at the Centro Universitario Dos Reis, UniRitter. Member of the ALAS Network. Her research focuses on feminist criminology, violence against women, women's human rights, sexual and reproductive rights.

María Camila Correa Flórez, Co-Editor. Doctorate in Law, Cum Laude mention, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Professor at the Faculty of Jurisprudence, Universidad del Rosario. Member of the ALAS Network. Her research focuses on general criminal law, special criminal law, criminal procedure law, feminism and criminal law, international criminal law, European Union law, and transitional justice.

Celeste Elorriaga, Editorial Assistant, Revista IGAL. LL.M. in Criminal Law, University of Palermo.

Guillermo Holsman, LLM, University of Nueva York. Editorial colaboration.