Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en Buenaventura: Lecturas y Ecos de las voces de las burocracias subalternas.


  • neider alegria estudiante/Investigador



Sexual and Reproductive Health, Public servants, Subordinate bureaucracies, State Ethnography.


The effectiveness of SRH plans, programs and projects in Colombia have always been measured from state or private indicators, as well as evaluated from the perspective of the communities. However, these forms of measurement miss some relational issues of effectiveness, an issue that obeys the dynamics of the State's functioning in some regions and territories. An issue that the literature has shown to be crucial is the differential dynamics of the functioning of state ecosystems associated with this issue in racialized territories. With that in mind, and in order to show endogenous issues that characterize the ecosystem associated with the SRH of a racialized territory, I build through ethnography stories of the voices of subaltern officials of these territories. Thus, I show some issues related to access to SRH services, sexual education, midwifery as part of traditional practices and its relationship with the institutional framework, budgetary and labor issues of the SRH ecosystem in Buenaventura.


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2023-11-02 — Updated on 2023-11-08

How to Cite

alegria, N. (2023). Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en Buenaventura: Lecturas y Ecos de las voces de las burocracias subalternas. IusGénero América Latina, 2(1).


