

Titles and subtitles


Manuscript title

  • Font size - Times New Roman 14, bold.
  • After title include a footnote with author´s full name and if the author so desires, the institutional affiliation.
  • Optionally the footnote can include the author´s email address


Subtitles within the manuscript

  • Font size for the subtitles – Times New Roman 12 for all subtitles.
  • For principal subtitles – use bold letter and Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4...).
  • For secondary subtitles use bold italics and Arabic numbers indicating the subtitle position (1.1, 1.2., 1.3…).
  • For subtitles of the third position use italics and Arabic numbers indicting the level of the subtitle (1.1.1., 1.1.2, 1.1.3…).







  1. First subtitle


1.1. Second level subtitle


  • Third level subtitle


  1. Second subtitle


  • Second level subtitle


               2.1.1 Third level subtitle       


Text Quotations  


Short text quote: up to 50 words

Short textual quotes will be included between double quotation marks (“ ”) within the text sequence. If the textual quote contains a reference to another text, simple quotation marks must be used for the reference (‘ ’).


Long text quote: more than 50 words

Textual quotes of more than 50 words must be included in a separate block with an indentation of 1cm on both sides, without quotation marks and no paragraph indentation. The paragraph division in the original text must be maintain. If the quotation includes a quote to another reference, this must be included between double quotation marks. (“ ”).


Alterations to the quoted text

If the author wishes to highlight text within the quoted material, the following note in bold must be included at the end of the quotation (emphasis added).


Additions to the quoted text

If the author modifies a textual quote adding words to clarify within the context, the additions must be included within brackets [ ]. The same applies to occasions in which capital letters are changed to lower case letters or lower case letters are changed to capital letters in the quoted text.


Omissions in the quoted text

If the author decides to eliminate a word or phrase within a quoted text, ellipses within parenthesis: (…) must be used to indicate that text has been left out.


If the author decides to eliminate a word or phrase at the end of a quote ellipses without parenthesis or separation from the text … must be used.


If the author decides to eliminate text at the beginning of a textual quote and the quote is not part of the principal text, it must be indicated with ellipses at the beginning of the quote, leaving a space before the first word of the quote. . . . 


Bibliography and references


A section at the end of the document

A bibliography must be included at the end of the manuscript in which all the references quoted in the document must be incorporated in alphabetical order by the last name of the author.


Books quotations

It is not necessary to include the pages, paragraphs or sections quoted.


Gargarella, R. (2020). La derrota del derecho en América Latina. Siete tesis. Cuidad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores Argentina.


Chapter quotations included in books or in an article

If the reference refers to a chapter in a book or an article included in a periodical publication it is mandatory to include the pages in which the text appears in the original publication.


Lerussi, R. C. & Costa, M. (2017). “Los feminismos jurídicos en Argentina”, en Notas para pensar un campo emergente. Estudios Feministas, 1, 1-13.


Jurisprudence quotations

In accordance to the country or adjudicating organ where the case was decided.


Newspaper articles quotations

The general guidelines mentioned above must be followed. If the quotation is of an opinion or reader letter it must be indicated after the name of the author. If it is an editorial by the publication, it must be indicated after the title. If the note being quoted is not signed, it should be omitted.


Ventura, Adrián, “Otra desobediencia del Gobierno a la Corte”, La Nación, 11 de marzo de 2011, disponible en gobierno-a-la-corte